The streets of Hongdae, Mapo-gu, Seoul, were filled with cheers and applause from the “Red Devils” as the Hangzhou Asian Games men’s soccer team clinched the gold medal after defeating arch-rivals Japan on Sunday evening .Organizers estimated that more than 4,000 people gathered at the Hongdae Street Cheering Plaza to celebrate the victory, many of whom stayed for hours after the game. The cool fall night didn’t dampen the enthusiasm .Red T-shirts, red pom-poms, red glow sticks, red devil headbands, and a variety of other supportive items were on display as soccer fans cheered in unison throughout the game and hugged their loved ones, friends, and family .Cheers also erupted from citizens who gathered at restaurants and bars around Cheering Square to watch the game on the live broadcast. College student Oh Jin-hyuk, 25, who traveled with his friends from Jeju Island, said, “After the first concession, the Japanese players were under a lot of pressure for the first 10 minutes of the game, but after that, I think the national team played well,” he said proudly. My favorite part of the game was when Uhm Won-sang was tackled and fell down, but she got back up and shot. It showed our team’s determination to finish strong even though we were winning,” Oh said with emotion. “I remembered cheering for the 2002 World Cup,” said Choi In-ho (45), who came with his children to watch the second half after watching fireworks in Yeouido. “I was proud that they said it was their first time cheering in the streets, and it was even more meaningful that we won the game.”Mr. Choi’s son, Ji-yul (11), said, “It’s nice to have fun memories with my dad and sister. We were happy to cheer for the national team and celebrate with them,” he said shyly. When Korea conceded to a goal by Gotaro Uchino just two minutes into the game, the crowd groaned in disappointment. The cheers subsided a bit, but they soon returned to waving their banners and cheering on the struggling team from afar. When Jung Woo-young scored the winning goal with a header 20 minutes later, the citizens stood up from their seats as if they had been waiting for it, waving their sticks and cheering .Each time the replay of the goal was shown, they continued to cheer as if it was a new goal. One citizen made a gesture by waving both his right hands in the air as if he had scored a goal. When Cho Young-wook scored a thrilling comeback goal in the 11th minute of the second half, the chants of “Oh Pilseung Korea” filled the plaza, and the anticipation for the victory was palpable. The crowd jumped to their feet, cheered, and waved flags and cheering sticks. Kim Heung-guk, who is known for his love of soccer, joined in the excitement by playing a hootenanny .Since the score was not close, some citizens remained silent and nervous throughout the game. Some even jumped out of their seats in frustration when Cho Young-wook’s shot after a rush narrowly missed the target .The disappointment of missing the extra goal was compensated for by chanting again. He even got angry at the Japanese players whenever there was a rough play. 토토사이트 With little time left in the game, Citizen

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