Fake selection event out of 10 holic products
2 million won travel expenses and 100,000 won discount coupons are provided
Professional product planning ability and unique ideas presented

Interpark will hold a “fake-holic package search” event to find the real thing.

The way to participate in this event, which will be held until the 7th to commemorate April Fool’s Day on the 1st, is to select one product that is likely to be fake out of a total of 10 Interpark Holic Bundles packages and leave comments on the website.

One customer who answers correctly will be given a reserve of 2 million won approx. In addition, the first 1,000 people will be given a discount coupon of up to 100,000 won, which can be applied to nine items packages of real holic that appeared at the event.

Interpark launched “Holic,” a package of products tailored to each hobby and taste, earlier this year. So far, the company has launched more than 120 products tailored to each theme. The event is designed to introduce unique “holic” products in a pleasant way to customers and enhance diversity and differentiation.

We have prepared a special event to maximize the pleasure of traveling to a package of holic products packages reflecting various interests and tastes of customers, said Yeom Soon-chan, head of Interpark Triple Tour Package Business Group. “We plan to continue to introduce products and services that can provide differentiated travel experiences to customers based on Interpark’s professional product planning skills and unique ideas.” 토토사이트 추천

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