한국골프장경영협회 50주년 기념식 사진

The Korea Golf Course Management Association (KGA), which celebrated its 50th anniversary this year, announced on the 25th that 72 golf courses donated a total of KRW 3.6 billion to social contribution activities of its members nationwide last year. The golf course with the most social contribution activities was Hanyang CC, which donated 650 million won to select golf scholarships and help the needy.

In addition, 88CC, operated by the Ministry of National Veterans Affairs, donated 359 million won to the Liberation Association, the Military Police Association, donations to help victims of the Turkiye earthquake, and support for golf scholarships. The Korea Golf Course Management Association estimated that “the actual amount of social contribution donations may be higher than the survey results, as some golf courses were unable to respond to the survey due to long winter closures, and some affiliates of large companies did not disclose 슬롯 specific amounts.”

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